Words - Monday Musing, May 31, 2021
Words. The words we write or speak to others can have a lasting impact, either positively or negatively...
Gifts - Monday Musing, May 24, 2021
The gifts of the Spirit are unique skills and abilities given by the Holy Spirit to faithful followers of Christ to serve God...
Discernment - Monday Musing, May 17, 2021
The practice of corporate discernment is a means of creating space for God’s activity in our lives...
Rules - Monday Musing, May 10, 2021
Do you consider yourself a rule-follower, a rule-bender, or a rule-breaker? Is there only a duality when it comes to rules: Yes/No...
Season - Monday Musing, May 3, 2021
Season. Consider the seasons of our spiritual lives – are we connected to the true vine, the One we follow?