Calamity - Monday Musing, August 30, 2021
Calamity. There are so many calamitous things in the news. May we “be still” and think deeply as we discern how to respond...

Hurricane - Monday Musing, August 23, 2021
Hurricane. Today I am thinking about wind; not just regular wind – hurricane wind, the wind of God’s Spirit…

Jeopardy - Monday Musing, August 16, 2021
Jeopardy. How should people of faith respond to the dire news? Hear no evil, see no evil, or speak no evil?...

Enough - Monday Musing, August 9, 2021
Enough. We all have enough (housing/income/food/etc.), but are we doing enough to help others? Collectively, let us show our love…

Persistent - Monday Musing, August 2, 2021
Just when we thought we were safe by being vaccinated, a highly contagious delta variant surges - we aren't out of the woods yet...