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About Us
You are open-minded, inquisitive, and prefer to ask more questions than be supplied with boilerplate answers;
You are Spirit-Centered, enjoy worship with music, and are grounded in prayer; and
You are liberal in theological ideas and practice…
Welcome to a church home that strives to respond in word and deed to the Christian message as it relates to the issues we face today;
Welcome to a church home that strives to exemplify the teachings of humility, service, and hospitality; and
Welcome to a church that learns together, worships together, and works together to support community-building through justice and equality – both locally and around the world.
What We Believe
The Federated Church of Orleans is part of the United Church of Christ (UCC), a denomination with a rich and storied history. Formed in 1957 from the merger of several earlier denominations, it is a “united and uniting church.” We also claim our identity and membership with the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). We are committed to social justice and to sound theology, and we are governed by our congregational roots, free of restrictive and limiting ties to a larger denomination, and we govern ourselves autonomously as we see fit.
At the same time, we are acutely aware that we are bound together with all churches and with all the world. Thus, everything we do is done with an eye to the larger world, and with an acute sense of our responsibility to care for all that hurts. Above all, we believe that God is still speaking, that God is doing a new thing in our midst, and that faith, hope, and love will have the last word.
“That they may all be one.” (John 17:21) “In essentials–unity, in nonessentials–diversity, in all things–charity.” These UCC mottos survive because they touch core values deep within us. The UCC has no rigid formulation of doctrine or attachment to creeds or structures. Its overarching creed is love. UCC pastors and teachers are known for their commitment to excellence in theological preparation, interpretation of the scripture and justice advocacy. Even so, love and unity in the midst of our diversity are our greatest assets.
Our Covenant
Acknowledging our long history as a covenantal church, we promise to be a faithful people committed to justice and mercy in our individual and community life, whatever it may cost us.
We trust in God revealed in Scripture and mirrored in the life of Jesus. We respond to the love and the power of God’s Spirit alive among us, leading us to an unknown future.
We covenant to support The Federated Church of Orleans and to seek the flourishing of God’s whole creation:
By gathering in worship;
Offering a warm, all-inclusive welcome;
Respecting and listening to each other;
Sharing in the joy of discipleship;
Standing with and advocating for the hurt, the hungry, and the excluded;
Relieve suffering and alienation where we find it; and
By working toward a time of peace throughout God’s world.
Our Core Values
Living in God’s Grace, we value:
Extravagant Welcome: We are a church that welcomes and accepts everyone as they are, where our minds are nourished as much as our souls;
Wondrous Worship: We praise and glorify God at the front and center of our lives. We open ourselves to God’s call while seeking to create sacred space wherever we are;
Faith Formation: We believe God is still speaking. We nurture and deepen our relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit individually and in community;
Purposeful Leadership: We lead, work, and serve together as followers of Christ to discern, design, create, and inspire opportunities to experience the Divine;
Responsible Stewardship: We serve as faithful and generous stewards of God’s gifts to us: time, money, talents, church resources, and the earth to do God’s work in the world;
Boundless Beauty: We encourage and celebrate individual and communal expressions of beauty in our worship and surroundings as examples of the Holy elegance of God; and
Transformational Ministry: Following Jesus’ example of love and justice, we seek to transform lives, including our own, through compassionate response, caring relationships, advocacy, and active service.
Open and Affirming
Open & Affirming is a designation of the United Church of Christ (UCC). The term is used for churches that have undertaken a long-term, careful study of sexuality issues as they relate to Biblical teachings and have made the public declaration to welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning people into its congregation.
“All Are Welcome” isn’t enough –
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) people of faith often experience emotional and spiritual injury in churches that condemn their capacity to love and seek love. Because they have learned that “All Are Welcome” usually doesn’t apply to them, they cannot assume that any church will be safe for them and their families – but you will be welcome into our community of faith!
A public welcome of being an Open and Affirming (ONA) church sends a clear message to LGBT seekers that they have a home here with us.
Our congregation’s affirmation and support through an ONA covenant can be a life-changing and life-saving experience – especially for LGBT youth.
We welcome LGBTQ Spiritual seekers. No matter who you are or where you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome to participate in this community of faith who believes that asking relevant questions is more important than our providing you with dogmatic answers.
We are a congregation who takes seriously the Apostle Paul’s admonition to “accept one another, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.” (Romans 15:7, NIV)
No matter who you are or where you are on your life’s journey,
you are welcome here!
For more information visit:
Wheelchair Access
The Federated Church of Orleans is fully wheelchair/walker accessible through our side entrance, with an elevator, space for wheelchairs in the Sanctuary, and accessible restrooms.
Accessible parking spaces are available near the walkway entrance to the building.
Jesus’ vision for the church is one in which all are invited and made to feel welcome. To that end, The Federated Church of Orleans is engaged in ongoing efforts to make our building and community accessible to people of all ages and abilities.
Assisted Hearing Devices
Assisted hearing devices are available for the Sanctuary at our worship service – or ask one of our Deacons for one.
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