Reclaim - Monday Musing, November 29, 2021
As much as we all want to reclaim what has been taken away from us due to the global pandemic, the holidays may not be happy for some…

Indifference - Monday Musing, November 22, 2021
The culture can be indifferent all it wants – we will make a difference by bringing God’s love to those around us...

Traditions - Monday Musing, November 15, 2021
Traditions are important in our lives because they provide a sense of belonging. For some of us, our usual traditions are still on hold...

Acronym - Monday Musing, November 8, 2021
Acronymn - IMBY stands for “in my backyard.” The WISE planning team is creating an IMBY team – intentionally reaching out...

Disruption - Monday Musing, November 1, 2021
Last week’s nor’easter (what Mainers call a “nor’eastah”) was certainly a disruption. Power outages interrupted many of our plans...

Crew - Monday Musing, October 25, 2021
The Head of the Charles Regatta was in the news this past weekend; it got me thinking about the comparison between the sport and church...

The Morning After - Monday Musing, October 18, 2021
On the morning after my Installation as Pastor, our "Charge" includes a robust vision and values for our mutual ministry ahead...

Covenant - Monday Musing, October 11, 2021
In scriptural terms, a covenant is always formed at God's initiative with a broader promise: “We will walk together in all God’s ways.” ...

Return - Monday Musing, October 4, 2021
Return – the act of going back. Has COVID changed how we are the church? Or has the church already changed, and we need to catch up?

Broken Record - Monday Musing, September 27, 2021
The pastoral role is to comfort the grieving; the power of prayer is found in the spoken word - even if it sounds like a broken record...